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- Licenciado e Mestre em Psicologia Clínica (Magna Cum Laude) pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa (2015/2017)

- Atualmente, encontro-me a cursar um Mestrado em Neurociência pela Universidade de Vigo e doutorando interuniversitário da Galícia (Universidade de Vigo, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela e Universidade Coruña)

- Membro efetivo da ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses – OPP com a Cédula Profissional n.º 24142, especialidade geral em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde e especialidade avançada em Psicoterapia (2019)

- Membro da International Academy of Analytical Psychology – Academia Internacional de Psicologia Analítica (2019)

- Professor associado na International Academy of Analytical Psychology – Academia Internacional de Psicologia Analítica (2019)

- Autor de artigos publicados em jornais (p.e, Jornal Observador, Jornal o Público) escrevendo temáticas relacionadas com a Psicologia

- Autor do Jungcast, um podcast que aborda temáticas de Psicologia Analítica, e do Junglab, um laboratório de conteúdo relacionado com a psicologia analítica de Carl Jung

- Psicólogo convidado e participante do filme documentário “Teatro das Sombras”, produzido pelo Sabujo Filmes (2023)

- Coparticipação da “Ninth International Conference in Code Biology” que decorrerá no Centro de Computação Gráfica da Universidade do Minho (6 a 10 de junho 2023)


João Ereiras Vedor is a renowned Clinical and Health Psychologist, an active member of the Portuguese Psychologists Association, member number 24142. With a solid academic background, he earned his master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Portuguese Catholic University with Magna cum Laude distinction, after completing his bachelor's degree with Cum Laude distinction. Currently, João is pursuing a master's degree in Neuroscience at the University of Vigo.

João has accumulated several complementary certifications throughout his career, standing out for his specialization in Analytical Psychology at the International Academy of Analytical Psychology. With extensive professional experience, he has worked as a Clinical Psychologist in various contexts and is now a co-founder and partner at the Jungian Clinical Institute.

As a professor at the International Academy of Analytical Psychology, João contributes to training professionals in the field. His passion for knowledge led him to create Junglab, a laboratory of analytical psychology, and to host the Jungcast podcast, reaching listeners on various platforms.

João also has a significant history of lectures, conferences, and event participation, including co-organizing the Ninth International Conference of Code Biology in Guimarães, Portugal.

With a strong media presence, João has participated in documentaries like "Shadow Theater," conducted interviews for various newspapers, and collaborated as a columnist in publications like the Jornal Observador and Público.

João Ereiras Vedor is a dedicated professional with a career marked by excellence and passion for knowledge, always committed to transforming people's lives through clinical and health psychology.

João Ereiras Vedor

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